Look to the past to predict the future and bed bug futures are no different.
Bed Bug Buzz — The Latest High
The latest bed bug hype - a bed bug 'buzz' - is a rehash of an ABC video on hash oil.
Newly Discovered Ostrich Bug Leads to Spread of Bed Bugs
Once thought mythical, the parasitic Ostrich Bug (Cimex ridiculous) has been confirmed.
New Bed Bug Help Guide Available In Canada
Do You Have Bed Bugs? A help guide for the identification of BED BUG infestations by global bed bug expert Stephen L. Doggett is the latest tool in the fight against bed bugs. It is a current and complete guide to bed bugs, their life stages, signs for early detection, with clear instructions in a straight-forward no-nonese approach. Packed with over 70 colourful and helpful images, the reader learns what specifically to be on the look-out where bed bugs are concerned.
Bed Bug Vermin In Vancouver Courtrooms Continues
An on-going bed bug infestation (along with rodent vermin) at Vancouver's Criminal Court location, 222 Main Street, is once again in the media spotlight.
Quick Bed Bug Tip
If bed bugs were left behind by your guests or hitched a ride along with your vacation momentos, the time is now to identify an infestation before it grows. Bed bug fecal is themost common evidence of bed bugs and if you know where to look, and have the right tools, it can be fast and easy to positively identify this physical evidence.
Devil Bed Bug Monster Found – Happy Halloween!
Halloween creepy - It’s either a rare genetic mutation, an entirely new species of bed bug, or the common bed bug is evolving into something rather sinister.
Bite Me: The Bed Bug Invasion
CBC's the Doc Zone will present a 1-hour documentary on the growing and pervasive bed bug problem. Shot in Canada, the US and Thailand, the film exposes what experts are labelling a 'global pandemic'.
Bean Leaves & Spider Webs To Trap Bed Bugs
'Smart Bugs' To Find Bed Bugs? Future Possibility.
Update: Potential Bed Bug Cure
Bogus Bed Bug Products
Hot Air, BC Housing And Bed Bugs
BC Housing is taking a more 'hands-on' approach. In February, BC Housing added two ‘thermal remediation trailers’ to travel the lower mainland and tackle bed bug infestations head-on.