Bite Marks Hours After Feeding
Bed bugs will crawl along hairs and crawl down to skin surface to feed. Hours after bed bug feeding, red marks appear at site of each bite. Welts had preceded the red marks but first disappear. Red marks severity lessens with age and in a week are gone. Microscopic brownish areas remain but are very difficult to clearly see.
Notes and photo courtesy of Lou Sorkin
Bed Bug Bite Marks (1 of 3)
Allergic reaction 24 hours after feeding a dozen bed bugs.

Bed Bug Bite Marks
4 bite marks, 24 hours after feeding.
Bed Bug Bite Marks (2/3)
Allergic reaction 48 hours after feeding a dozen bed bugs

Bed Bug Bite Marks
The bite mark is an allergic reaction to the saliva released by the bed bug. Not everyone reacts because not everyone is allergic, and like all allergy reaction, responses vary between individuals.