Bed bug fecal marks
These black spots are indicators of the presence of bed bugs.

Box Spring Harbourage
Box spring with with 2 air holes cluttered with bed bugs. Top right image is general view, while top left is left air hole and bottom right is right air hole. A large bed bug is visible on right side of left air hole, but close up reveals tiny first instar nymphs. Bed bugs are "hiding" in plain sight on right air hole.
Notes and photo courtesy of Lou Sorkin

Hiding in Plain Sight
Box spring air hole and close up to show bed bugs "hiding" on an exposed surface and are not really in a hidden harborage site.
Notes and photo courtesy of Lou Sorkin

Bed Frame Harbourage
Bed bug waste (feces are dark and uric acid excretion is pale), shed skins, eggs (some entire, some hatched) on underneath side of bed slat.
Notes and photo courtesy of Lou Sorkin

Hiding in Decorative Wood
Bed bug nymphs, shed skins, feces near to and in the groove.
Notes and photo courtesy of Lou Sorkin

CD Case Harbourage
CD shelf with some cases removed shows different sized bed bug nymphs, eggs and feces attached to wood. Some feces might be from german cockroaches.
Notes and photo courtesy of Lou Sorkin

Bed Bugs Hiding In Seam
Close up of some bed bug hatched eggs, second and first instar nymphs. First instars are 1mm or 1/32 inch long; second instar about 3 times that.
Note and photo courtesy of Lou Sorkin

Hiding in Upholstery Staples
Bed bug nymphs, shed skins, eggs (hatched ones with cover popped open), and feces. Eggs are around 1mm or 1/32 inch long.
Notes and photo courtesy of Lou Sorkin

Bed Bug Harbourage
Flat rubber molding pulled back to reveal bed bugs hiding. Notice that bugs are at top of molding in corner where there is no adhesive.
Photo courtesy of Lou Sorkin

Bed Bug Debris
Pile of cast skins and eggs

Door Hinge Harbourage
Bed bug harborage on painted door hinge with close up of lower part of hinge to show bed bug nymphs, eggs, fecal drops in open space of hinge.
Notes and photo courtesy of Lou Sorkin

Plastic Chair Harbourage
Bed bug harborage site in recessed screw hole on side of textured, molded plastic desk chair. See bugs, shed skins, eggs, and light and dark droppings. Light ones are uric acid (excretory) deposition and dark ones are fecal blood drops. Note that these bead up on the plastic rather than get absorbed which would happen on most fabrics. Opposite side of chair had no bed bugs in the screw hole. Person probably put coat or other clothes on right side of chair.
Notes and photo courtesy of Lou Sorkin

Bed bug fecal
Fecal marks are visible on top edge of the baseboard as well as underneath the wallpaper corner which has been lifted. Note there is even fecal marks on the backside of the wallpaper.