Suspect A Bed Bug Invasion?

A Certified Bed Bug Dog Can Help.

A bed bug dog inspection is the FASTEST method to determine if bed bugs are present. It is also the most ACCURATE detection technique.


Bed bugs are very difficult to find with a visual inspection alone. Dogs, on the other hand, 'look' with their nose, pin-pointing the presence of their target through the science of canine scent detection. This is the same highly successful process bomb and drug scent detection dogs perform.


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HOW Do Bed Bug Dogs Work?

You enter a room and detect the aroma of a freshly baked apple pie. A sniffer dog enters the room and detects the aroma of each individual ingredient in the pie. Read more.


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WHEN Is A Bed Bug Dog Needed?

A bed bug dog inspection will rule out bed bugs as the cause of mystery bites, ensure a prior bed bug treatment was successful, or confirm your current bed bug detection methods are effective. Read more.



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WHERE Do Bed Bug Dogs Work?

Bed bug sniffer dogs work where there is a risk of contracting bed bugs. Because bed bugs stay close to their preferred host man, the risk increases where populations have a higher denisty and higher degree of mobility. Read more.


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