If you are concerned about how to avoid bedbugs, you will appreciate this latest iPhone app. The creators of the Bedbug Registry have an official iPhone app that gives you the latest information on possible bed bug investations throughout North America.
Bedbug Registry consists of user-submitted reports - by location - of suspected bed bug sightings. If you are planning a trip, reserving a hotel room, thinking of signing a lease on that perfect apartment, or purchasing a house, be sure to check out Bedbug Registry first.
BedBug Registry map of Vancouver BC on Feb 29 2012
The founder, Maciej Ceglowski, started the site in 2006, as a way to garner vengeance against bedbugs after a traumatic experience in a San Francisco hotel. And as the reports are filed anomonously, you should consider the report may be false as the poster may also be attempting to extract their own revegence against a boss, landlord or an acquaintance. Mind you, if there are a number of different reports for that same location - watch out! If a location has been reported in error there is a process to file a dispute.
The app is $2.99 and suitable for iPhone, iPod touch and iPad. Check out the Bedbug Registry app.