Lethbridge has joined the ranks of bed bug infested cities across Canada. The Lethbridge Herald reported “Bedbug Cases Spike” as Alberta Health Services, this weekalone, has fielded over 20 accounts of the blood-sucking vermin city-wide.
Affected buildings include a south side seniors’ public housing apartment complex, and two suites in Hardie Manor. There are probably more cases throughout the city, as bed bug infestations do not have to be reported.
Public Health Inspector, Geoff Tomko related: “People assume that a dirty place or a bad hotel would be a hot spot for bedbugs, but we actually do find a lot of higher-end places have bedbugs as well, so actually it’s fairly uniform throughout Lethbridge.”
He encourages residents to seek professional pest control services. Renters and hotel guests should report bed bugs to the local community health station.