Bed Bug Mutts

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Introducing Lillie Loo - our latest bed bug dog

Lillie Loo is a rescue two year old border collie cross. She comes to us from Alabama where she was found at a local shelter by FSI Academy. She was selected for scent detection because of her high play drive.

Lillie Loo loves to play ball and hang out with Loola Loo, who has been showing her the ropes and, once 'n while, sharing her bed. Lillie is a talker, never shy to let her opinion be known; however, when it is time to assume her bed bug K9 role, she is all about finding those bed bugs.

Like Loola, Lillie is rewarded with a toy when she finds bed bugs. Once she alerts, her handler, either Sheree Swindle or myself, Ken Hando, look for physical evidence to visually confirm her alert. Once confirmed Lillie receives her reward - a ball. It is her love of a ball that drives her relentless energy throughout her work day. 

If you suspect bed bugs, give us a call, and our bed bug canines, Lillie and Loola, will come for a visit.