Our certification assures you, our client, our dogs alert to the odour of live bed bugs. And as dog handlers, we correctly 'read' our dogs behaviour - their alert. We have just returned from Virginia Beach, along with our two bed bug dogs, Loola Loo and Lillie Loo, where we attended David Latimer's Detector Dog Team Clinic. This was a three day workshop to hone our dog handling skills and renew our WDDO (World Detector Dog Organization) certification. We have proudly renewed our certification status annually since 2011. Congratulations to Ken, Loola and Lillie.
WDDO (World Wide Detector Dog Organization) and NESDCA (National Entomology Scent Detection Canine Association) are the two main accreditation agencies. One of their functions is to test canine teams (a team is one dog and one handler) in real world scenarios to find live bed bugs. For another perspective on this subject read Jay Samples blog post: Certifications: What's the big deal??